LastEnd EntertainmentTutorial - Learn Multilingual Deployment
2:1  Tutorial - Learn Multilingual Deployment
Tutorials / Language  /  / Learn Multilingual Deployment  

Step 1

Open Visual RPG Studio, click the blue application menu button, hold your mouse over the [New] menu option and click [New Project].

Step 2

For this tutorial we will be using the [Blank] project template.

In the [Project Name] feild type in your project name. I will name it 'Language'.

Hit [OK].

At this point Visual RPG Studio has created a blank visual Lua script file named 'Game.vlua'. We will uses this file to show you how any visual object supports a langauge key.

Step 3

On the components panel click the [Label] object.

Step 4

Click any where on the center screen an place the label.

Step 5

Click the [Pointer] button on the Tools part of the ribbon to select objects again. Otherwise it will allow you to keep placing labels.

Step 6

Now select the label you just created.

Step 7

Change its [Text] property to '@Hello'. This is the key that links to each language file.

Step 8

On the [Navigation] panel scroll down and right click the [Language] folder. Click [Add].

Step 9

Select English and hit [OK]. Repeat the last 2 steps and add a other language. I will be using German.

Step 10

Now lets edit the language databases. Click the [English] language you just created. If it prompts you if you want to save the script press [Yes].

Step 11

Now you are in the [English] Language database. In the [Name] feild type '@Hello', and in the [Value] feild type 'Hello'. Press the [Add] button.

Step 12

Repeat the step 10-11 but select your other language. The Name feild is the same. That is the database language key. In the value type how you say hello in that language. I used german so the value is 'Guten Tag'.

Step 13

On the [Navigation] panel select 'Game.vlua' by clicking it.

Step 14

Go to the script side and at the top of the script type 'Scripting_RegisterClass("language")'.

Step 15

Now lets select the language. On the next line type 'Language.Set("en")'.

Step 16

Press the test button

Step 17

To uses the other language uses its language language code. For german its 'Language.Set("de")'.

Step 18

Press the test button
Any visual object with a text property will work just like the label.

Step 19

Your Done with this tutorial.
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